I thought it was appropriate to have my first shirt be the "I Have Feelings Too" shark shirt!
Daily Shark Fact:
Annually, sharks kill only 5 people while people kill almost 100 MILLION sharks just for their fins (and that doesn't include all of the other sharks killed by people for other reasons).
Lets talk a little bit about why people kill sharks JUST for their fins. In China, shark fin soup is a sign of wealth and prestige so people tons of money for shark fins. Shark fins have no nutritional value and are used only for texture. These fins are often acquired by a practice known as "finning," where fishermen cut off the fins of live sharks then throw the still living bodies back into the ocean for the sharks to either suffocate or be eaten. I don't know about you, but that sounds a little inhumane to me. Some people are all like "meow, meow, meow.... shark fin soup is part of culture and tradition" but I think thats a pretty weak argument given all the other terrible traditions humans have had in the past that we now realize are outrageous.
The next issue is WHY do we care if people kill 100's of millions of sharks all the time? Well, if they go extinct we are screwed. Check out the following links on the impact of sharks on the ecosystem.
I'm still looking for 354 shirts to help me find them and send them my way!!!!!!!!