Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Collection: Shirt 5/11

This is a newer one of my shark shirts that I got in San Francisco while visiting my bro. Funny thing was, this store also had a lot of really awesome cat shirts. I must return soon. 

Daily Shark Fact: Sharks SAVE people, so we should probably do the same for them. I was forwarded this article (by multiple people actually) about a man lost at sea who credits his rescue to a shark. Awesome.  Check it out here.

I went to goodwill today to do some shark shirt hunting, no luck. Obviously no one would ever want to give away a good shark shirt. The search continues, help me out! 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

The Collection: Shirt 4/11

"I'd rather be a shark"

Daily Shark Fact: Sharks are social learners just like us! A new study by Dr. Tristan Guttridge is "the first to demonstrate social learning in any cartilaginous fish." Basically he taught some sharks a task (yup, sharks do tricks!) then he put noob sharks in with either other noobs, or with the sharks that had already learned how to do the trick. Guess what- the noob sharks paired with the expert sharks learned faster than those paired with another noob. Props Dr. Guttridge, I envy your shark-studying life.
Check out the full article here. Also props to my bro for being the one to send me this cool article! 

Monday, September 3, 2012

The Collection: Shirt 3/11

Since it is a wonderful American holiday, I decided to show you my patriotic shark shirt and shorts combo. 

Daily Shark Fact:
Sharks have special organs called "ampullae of Lorenzini" that give them a sixth sense called "electroreception," which allows them to sense the electrical field emitted by other living creatures. These organs are jelly-filled pores located on the bottom of the sharks nose. 

Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Collection: Shirt 2/11

Naturally since it was Badger Game Day, I had to post my red and white "JAWSOME" shirt!

Daily Shark Fact:
Some sharks are known to be "viviparous", which means they give birth to live young.  Bull sharks, Whitetip reef sharks, Lemon, Blue, Mako, and Hammerheads all give birth to between 2 and 20 pups per litter.