Saturday, October 27, 2012

The Collection: Shirt 8/14

(Sharks are cute too, Okay?)

I saw the cashier at Ian's Pizza wearing this shirt so I got a slice just so I could get the info on how to get this amazing shark shirt! I asked him to trade, but he wasn't into it. 

Daily Shark Fact: "When you enter the ocean, you enter the food chain, and not necessarily at the top."-- Jacques Cousteau

Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Collection: Shirt 7/14

This is the wonderful shark hoodie Eric gave me as a gift. I dont know how many times now people have posted this to me on facebook saying I should get it. Fact: I already have it, and it's awesome. I might as well be a shark after catching hundreds of fish with my Dad up north this past weekend.

Daily Shark Fact: Props to President Laura Chinchilla of Costa Rica for passing a bill banning shark finning.  Shark finning as well as the transportation and importation of shark fins from other countries is now banned in Costa Rica. Here is a link to the article 

Great news: I got two new shark shirts :) I found one while halloween costume shopping at Ragstock, and ordered another online. Keep  checking back to see the latest and greatest!

Monday, October 1, 2012

The Collection: Shirt 6/12

Thanks to Jodi and James for my newest shark shirt and hat! I'm soooooo excited to show them off up at the Flambeau Flowage this weekend when I go walleye fishing!

Daily Shark Fact: A NEW SPECIES OF SHARK HAS BEEN DISCOVERED! The Bubble Shark is my new favorite species because it can puff up to twice its size when threatened and its coloring looks like camouflage! Read all about it here